Become a Giver
Your Generosity Makes a Difference!
We recently improved our giving process. It is a simple and faster way to give your tithe, offerings, or special gift. Just click on the campus you attend to get started.

Online Giving
"God is Transforming Lives at Victory through Giving"
It’s out of gratitude for that transformation that we give back to Him — with our time, our talents, our relationships, and our finances. God has modeled true generosity for us. He has given us all that we have and has asked us to manage it wisely. It is our prayer that we will be a church known for generosity, since that is a church full of people who are striving to be more like God.
Other Ways to Give
- CASH App: Download the CashApp on your Apple or Android mobile device and search for $GetTheVictory
- PushPay: Set up or access your personal account by clicking here.
- Text to Give: Text (Campus Keyword) to (833) 811-7677
- GetTheVictoryBC = Bolingbrook Campus (BC)
- GetTheVictoryVC = Victory City Chicago (VC)
- GetTheVictoryATL = Victory City ATL (ATL)
- GetTheVictory = Global Campus
- CASH & CHECK: You can give during any of our worship services.
- BY MAIL: You can mail your donation to: 1112 W. Boughton Road STE 365, Bolingbrook, IL 60440. Make checks payable to: Victory Cathedral Worship Center
Contribution Statements
- You are able to download and print your own contribution statement by following the same steps you use to give. Once you are in the application, search for Contribution Statement, select a date range, then print or save.
- If you need help or would like us to mail your contribution statement email