Live to be missed... not just remembered

Give Yourself Away (G.Y.A.) is a generosity movement led by Pastor Smokie Norful. Our vision is to encourage others to "Live to be missed" by giving their time, talent and treasure to enhance the lives of others, expecting nothing in return.

Meeting needs and empowering individuals and families is a part of our vision and mission. Over the years, God has enabled us to be a blessing to people when they needed it most.

What is Give40?

Each member of our church is asked to serve within the community for at least 40 hours in the calendar year.
40 hours is only 3.33 hours per month, which is less than 1% of the time God has given to you (.47% to be exact).
God has given us 8,448 hours in a year… that’s 704 hours in a month. We are asking each person to “Give40” hours throughout the year.

You Can Help!

You do NOT have to be a member of Victory Cathedral to Give40! No matter how young or old, member or not, you can help us reach our goal.

List of organizations who we have partnered with in the past. However, you are not limited to serving at these organizations. If you are aware of other organizations who are in need of volunteers, please email us at

Help us give an account of the number of lives impacted by your generosity.

Share Your Story

Acts of Random Kindness

Generosity is contagious! The more generous we are to others, the faster our world will become more peaceful and loving. Even the smallest acts of kindness can make a big difference.

to Share! Whether you were the recipient of kindness or you were the one who was kind to someone else, we want to know how it impacted you. Tell us your story!

Live to Be Missed,
Not Just Remembered!

The images and videos below are a few examples of how God has trusted us to touch the lives of others.